Stone size
Stone size
Stone size is: 5X5X2 in CM / 1.97X1.97X0.78 in INCH
Stone material & story
Stone material & story
This stone was carved from an original Jerusalemite stone in Israel.
Shipping time
Shipping time
Shipping for a unique product like this Jerusalem stone, which is custom-carved and engraved upon order, requires additional time due to the real-time quarrying and personalization process.
The estimated shipping time is 14-21 business days from the time the order is confirmed.
Wowday is all about rediscovering the awe and wonder in everyday life. It’s a day to pause, look around, and let yourself be amazed by the beauty, creativity, and surprises that the world has to offer. This stone reminds you to approach each day with fresh eyes, finding those "wow" moments that make life truly extraordinary. Embrace the magic in the ordinary and let yourself be inspired.