ציור חמסה
ציור חמסה
Stone size
Stone size
Stone size is: 5X5X2 in CM / 1.97X1.97X0.78 in INCH
Stone material & story
Stone material & story
This stone was carved from an original Jerusalemite stone in Israel.
Shipping time
Shipping time
Shipping for a unique product like this Jerusalem stone, which is custom-carved and engraved upon order, requires additional time due to the real-time quarrying and personalization process.
The estimated shipping time is 14-21 business days from the time the order is confirmed.
This is Hamsa, a widely recognized symbol that holds deep cultural and spiritual significance. The Hamsa, often shaped like a hand with five fingers, is a symbol of protection, blessings, and strength. It is commonly believed to ward off the evil eye and bring good fortune to those who possess it. When inscribed on a stone, the Hamsa embodies the essence of ancient wisdom and protection. This stone becomes a powerful talisman, serving as a physical reminder to keep negative energies at bay and to invite positivity and blessings into one’s life. It’s a meaningful object that offers spiritual protection and a sense of peace, whether carried with you, placed in your home, or given as a gift.