Stone size
Stone size
Stone size is: 5X5X2 in CM / 1.97X1.97X0.78 in INCH
Stone material & story
Stone material & story
This stone was carved from an original Jerusalemite stone in Israel.
Shipping time
Shipping time
Shipping for a unique product like this Jerusalem stone, which is custom-carved and engraved upon order, requires additional time due to the real-time quarrying and personalization process.
The estimated shipping time is 14-21 business days from the time the order is confirmed.
נס / Miracle This special stone carries both the Hebrew word "נס" (Nes) and its English translation "Miracle." It represents the universal nature of miracles—those extraordinary moments that transcend language and culture, inspiring awe and wonder. By having both words on the stone, it serves as a powerful reminder that miracles can happen anywhere, at any time, and that they are recognized across the world, in every tongue. This stone encourages you to stay open to the miraculous, to believe in the extraordinary, and to appreciate the moments of grace that life brings.